Virtual Machine Training for Beginners
The customizable virtualization learning path for new system administrators
Virtual Machine Training for Beginners that Teaches You to Build VMs Like A Pro…
Customize Your Virtual Machine Training Plan
Clear Instructions. Easy To Follow. Beginner Friendly.
Turn Your Passion for Virtualization & Cloud Technologies into Tech Skills that IT Managers NEED!
Since 2007, the VMinstall Training Hub Community has helped new systems administrators learn exciting and rewarding technical job skills that advance their IT careers and help them earn more income by improving their technical knowledge and SysAdmin abilities.
Our learning path is built on more than 20 years of experience in the IT industry. During this time, we have accumulated thousands of hours of hands-on practice in building, supporting, upgrading, and migrating infrastructure. Below, we have compiled our most frequently used tech tips, how-to guides, and IT training courses to help you create a customized learning journey that will increase your career success.
Follow the learning path and create a simple step-by-step training plan that guides you from being an entry-level Beginner with basic technical understanding to becoming an IT Professional with amazing virtualization software and hardware skills.
Let’s take the first step forward together…
Self-Paced Virtualization, DevOps & Cloud Training for All Levels
Step One: Start with virtual machine basics…Setup your first VM Lab for your learning projects! Get familiar with virtualization software alternatives. Then learn how to choose the best PC and server hardware for a homelab. Don’t worry if you’re a beginner, the basics of installing VirtaulBox or Hyper-V are explained in our step-by-step software and hardware guides.
You’ll learn to build and deploy virtual machines like a Pro within hours!
Step Two: Scale up your knowledge and skills of private and public clouds until you master building and supporting Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) using the world’s leading virtualization software, VMware vSphere.
We also offer great guides on Citrix XenServer and Microsoft Hyper-V Hypervisors for a more complete virtualization software learning experience.
Step Three: When you’re ready to learn about public cloud services such as Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), and Amazon Web Services (AWS) – you can dive into our cloud guides and tips about Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Software as a Service (SaaS). Or you can take advanced online training courses for DevOps, Docker, and Hybrid Cloud.
The best part about our learning path is you decide how you want to customize your training plan!
Virtualization Training Options: Basics, Advanced & Management
Virtual Machine Training for Beginners
Admins should know how to build and deploy VMs.
Virtualization is the process of creating a virtual version of something, like a computer system or storage device.
This list of guides is for students, new admins, and beginners getting started. Just right if you’re looking for skills that will help you get your first entry-level SysAdmin job.
Virtualization Basics Training Guides
- What is a Virtual Machine? (A Basic Introduction for Beginners)
- What is Virtualization? (A High-Level Explanations of Virtual Infrastructure)
- Build Your First VM (Install VirtualBox Virtual Machine Software)
- How to Build a Home Lab (Get Serious With Your VM Training and Learning Projects)
- What Makes the Difference? (Learn Why Some Beginners Seem to Get Ahead Faster)
VMware Virtualization Installation, Configuration & Support for Admins
Master virtualization infrastructure fundamentals.
Every SysAdmin who builds and supports virtual infrastructure needs to know how to install, configure and support virtual machines across many different software development environments.
These are tips and guides on best practices that will help you develop your techniques.
Virtualization Advanced Training Guides
- VMware Basics (23 Tips, Guides, and Best Practices – Part 1)
- Virtualization Basics (19 More Tips, Guides, and Best Practices – Part 2)
- 25 Tough VMware Admin Interview Questions (Preparing for a VMware vSphere Admin Interview)
- VMware vSphere Installation and Configuration Training (Self Paced vSphere Online Learning)
- VMware Books for Preparing for the VCP CERT Exam (The Best Books for Studying VMware)
- Virtual Machine Software Alternatives (Explore Different Virtualization Products)
- Virtualization Server Hardware Alternatives (Best of Brand and White Box Servers for ESXi)
Browse everything in our library about VMware.
Virtual Infrastructure Support & Management
Go faster with a well-trained technical project team.
It takes more than SysAdmins to support the constant changes in a data center or hybrid cloud. It takes a diverse team of experts.
We also have lessons for incident managers, project managers, storage admins, and other job roles needed to successfully support and operate a full-service I.T. environment for business-critical applications and services.
Virtualization Management Training Guides
- Technical Project Manager Interview Questions (Learn How to Manage Virtualization Projects)
- Incident Manager Interview Questions (Learn How to Handle Virtual Infrastructure Outages)
- Storage Engineer Interview Questions (Learn How to Manage Storage for VMs and Hypervisors)
- Linux Admin Interview Questions (Diversify Your SysAdmin Skills)
See more interview questions & career alternatives to consider.
Automate On-Premise & Cloud Virtual Environments Using DevOps
Manage Hybrid Clouds With DevOps Skills
Accelerate your IT career with Scripting/Coding Expertise.
Spinning up VMs manually on VirtualBox or Hyper-V is a great strength to have, but most IT Managers want their services built using automated processes and configuration management.
ATTENTION! Coding and Scripting skills are the Secret Sauce that will give System Administrators the EDGE!
There are a lot of benefits to building IT services using automation, such as speed, consistency, scalability, and efficiency, which is why DevOps skills are so valuable in IT departments. Take your SysAdmin skills to a new level and become the envy of your peers by mastering how to use DevOps Tools. Most importantly, learn to automate, configure, and deploy on-premise and cloud services using Terraform, Golang, and PowerShell code (AKA infrastructure as code or IaC).
Master deploying infrastructure with code and you’ll be a ROCKSTAR!
DevOps & Cloud Training Guides
- What is a DevOps Engineer? (Meet Bobby Lopez)
- DevOps Skills (Learn What DevOps Engineers Can Do)
- DevOps Books (Fuel for Your Scripting, Tools, and CI/CD Learning)
- DevOps Training (Develop Your DevOps Skills)
Visit our library about DevOps.
Go Beyond VMs and Learn Infrastructure as Code (IaC), DevOps & Cloud Computing
Don’t limit your IT training to virtual machines, keep moving your career forward – continue learning.
We recommend that you study and practice all of our technical training guides and courses about Cloud Computing, Hybrid Cloud, and Virtualization Training because we want you to supercharge your technology passion and take your IT career to the highest level of success.