Read Excerpts from VCP for Hire eBook

Vmware Vcp For Hire EbookBIG Thanks…

Before I share the excerpt of VCP for Hire, first I want to thank everyone who has purchased a copy of my eBook.

Thank You for downloading nearly 200 copies!

Now let me take a minute and reach out to the managers who are struggling with team building and staffing responsibilities such as:

  • writing VMware job descriptions,
  • writing VMware interview questions,
  • scheduling interviews,
  • performing interviews,
  • and then pick the next member for your team.

I wrote this easy to read, short eBook, to help YOU!

Why can’t HR help you?

Over the years I have found myself challenged while working with HR and recruiters on what skill sets and experience I was looking for to add new staff to my virtualization team.

Why don’t they get it!

Then it dawned on me, it’s up to me to filter out the wrong resumes and candidates…

Does this sound familiar?

Here’s an introduction and excerpt from my book…

Don’t Erase This Whiteboard!

Months after Andy had moved on; the vision of his ideal virtual environment was still drawn on the whiteboard he had given to another teammate. In the upper right corner in red marker was written, “Don’t erase this whiteboard!” Andy was a “Rock Star” Virtualization Engineer who everyone, including me respected. This whiteboard had a vision of the perfect vSphere virtual environment, and we wanted to keep it around as a guide until someone else could whiteboard a better design.

In VCP for Hire, I’ll discuss my keys for recruiting virtualization talent who can get your vSphere Virtual Infrastructure to the next level and keep it there.

These keys will focus on the roles, qualifications, skill-sets, and job descriptions of those who do the following: design, build, and sustain top performing vSphere Virtual Infrastructures that are scalable, streamlined, standardized and automated.

By no means do I assume to know it all, nor am I suggesting my keys will work for everyone, or in every IT environment. Although, one thing I am certain of is all virtual environments and IT cultures are different, and therefore require different approaches.

Manager to Manager Advice

I’ve never worked anywhere with a clear direction for what they wanted to do in hindsight. My advice for infrastructure managers is to do their best to stay ahead of demand. Forecasting virtualization requirements 90 – 180 days in advance is key to giving your team the time they require to plan adjustments to network, storage, and other environments that could be adversely impacted.

Help your team to get comfortable pivoting (changing direction) when the business changes, this is an ongoing challenge everyone faces in today’s market.

Build good communication and trust between other technology teams so they do not become your roadblocks… Read more…

VCP for Hire is about the HARD Lessons I Learned

These lessons are put in a simple (and short) eBook guide that will give IT managers the shortcuts and keys they need for staffing up.

Here’s what I cover in the eBook:

  • VMware Interview Questions
  • VMware Engineer Job Description
  • VMware Administrator Job Description
  • VMware Roles and Responsibilities
  • Different types of Virtual Environments (Small, Medium, Large)
  • Things to Avoid (Staff & Technology)
  • Team Dynamics (Dealing with problems)
  • Manager to Manager Advice

Tip! You don’t even need to pay for my eBook if you have Amazon Prime, you can download it for free.

Once again, I want to thank everyone who has bought and read my book. My hope is you learn something from the experiences and lessons I shared?

Please let me know what you thought by leaving me a review on Amazon. 🙂

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