Author: Joe Sanchez

VMware, Hybrid Cloud & DevOps Engineer. Author, Blogger, and IT Infra & Ops Manager. Joe believes that creating the best user experience is his top priority. Visit Joe on "LinkedIn". Feel free to leave him your comments below...

What is a Computer Motherboard?

Next to the CPU and graphics card (GPU), the computer motherboard (MB) is the most important and expensive part of the computer. Nowadays, manufacturers use colorful cool designs to make …

Computer Hardware for Beginners

Computers would not be able to function without computer hardware. This physical equipment, which includes everything from the central processing unit to the keyboard and monitor, is responsible for inputting, …

What is a Hybrid Cloud?

A hybrid cloud is basically an on-premise infrastructure integrated with one or more cloud services. Easy, right? Here’s a quick summary told in an action-packed story by Joe. Innovate Or …