10 Virtualization & VMware Podcasts by Experts in Virtual Technology

VsoupListening to a VMware podcast is a perfect solution when commuting!

When I started listening to a VMware podcast while driving back and forth across Phoenix it was like manna from heaven because I am sick and tired of the same dumb talking heads on the radio, not to mention commercial after commercial…

Now I can spend the time learning about something I enjoy, virtualization and cloud technology – what a Geek!

Here’s a list of 10 Virtualization & VMware Podcasts I’ve found:

In case this isn’t enough, you might also want to check out a Virtualization or VMware podcast from HP and Veeam just to name a couple more.

We also recommend our guide for the best VMware online training with step-by-step videos that are fantastic.

Your Turn:

Do you have a favorite VMware podcast to share, please comment…

One Response

  1. Victor Maria Ware

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