VMware P2V Checklist for Servers

P2V Check ListIn November I visited the VMware users group for the Phoenix area and one of the big topics was P2V Checklist.

Not enough can be said about all the challenges there are to successfully convert physical servers into virtual servers (P2V), especially when your data center has hundreds of servers with various configurations and operating systems.

Sometimes a P2V is done in about 30 minutes, while other times it’s almost impossible because of all the planning due to dependencies like databases, unsupported applications, unsupported operating systems, and finally unforeseen gotchas that happen.

P2V Checklist

Something I got from the VMUG was a P2V checklist that Matt Mancini created to make his server migrations easier. I am attaching the file for your use as well as a link where you can visit the VMUG website. <P2V Checklist Link>

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It’s always a best practice to plan your P2V, especially if the server is production or the mission-critical server that can’t be powered off for very long.

Kudos to Matt for sharing the P2V checklist file with the group and I look forward to the next VMUG meeting.

P2V checklist –> Checklist

Standalone -> VMware Convert Tool Download

VMware Documentation on P2V -> Virtual Machine to Physical Machine Migration


  1. RobVM

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