I’m not sure if anyone else feels the way I do about jumping on the vSphere bandwagon, however, I’ve decided to wait until 4.0 Update 1 is released before I consider the move.
I’ve seen the sales pitches and demos but no evidence is enough to convince me to join the rush to upgrade, especially when I (and the guys I work with) have nearly 1000 VMs online running happy on ESX 3.5U4.
We’ve gone through major pains to establish a single standard for hardware, software and storage which is guaranteed to provide a high level of performance and stability that will meet our business needs and SLA. Actually, I recommend establishing your own standard before upgrading, too. What’s the hurry?
VMware for me is not a fad but a technology that needs to be taken serious, or as history has shown –Â outages will occur that will take down mission critical VM servers that are running business critical applications. No thanks, I’ll let the fadsters (production beta testers) Â jump the gun and wait until VMware releases update 1 to fix the new release problems.
What has been your experience with vSphere, good or bad – please share it with us?
Well, sure there is no rush to upgrade, but when you see that your existing hardware could manage even more VMs with vSphere. And with vSphere you have the final protection and no downtime – Fault Tolerance.
Also there is ESX 3.5 U5 which can handle up to 80 vms per host…
Rick Herman
I too am waiting for update 1. Has any information been given on when that is expected?
Thanks for the comment. I asked my VMware Support Engineer when a major service release was coming out for vSphere and he said expect one at the end of October.
On Thursday I heard a rumor at the Phoenix VMUG meeting that Storage Vmotion will be removed from vSphere 4.0 Standard and offered in vSphere 4.0 PLUS. Looks like another reason to stay on ESX 3.5.