10 Things I Remember About 2011 – Cloud, vCoud Director, AWS Outage, Virtual Desktop-VDI, ESXi 5, Thin Storage and More…

10 Things I Remember About 2011- Cloud, vCoud Director,  AWS Outage, Virtual Desktop-VDI, ESXi  5, Thin Storage and More…

A lot more than 10 things happened in 2011, but here are the 10 things I remember looking back on this New Years-Eve Day:

1. Cloud became more than a buzz-word.
2. VMware’s vCloud Director was officially released.
3. Amazon’s AWS (Cloud) crashed several times.
4. Cisco UCS Server Hardware emerged (still buggy).
5. HP C-Class Blade Server Hardware became too much to handle.
6. Citrix bought Cloud.com and CloudStack products.
7. VDI or Virtual Desktop became popular (VMware View/Citrix XenDesktop).
8. VMware ESXi 5 got a lot of ‘Press’ over the big licensing change.
9. Storage Thin-Provisioning became a must due to bloated storage costs.
10. Virtualization, Automation, and Cloud Jobs exploded (more to come in 2012).

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